Lead Roofing

Here at topline roofing solutions, we commit ourselves to helping our customers achieve their architectural vision by using the best materials for the job, and offering our expert advice.

Lead roofing is a traditional roofing method which has been used in the industry for hundreds of years, and is therefore proven to be extremely reliable. Lead roofing, and sand cast lead in particular, is ideal for old buildings such as churches or historical renovations, whereas milled lead roofing is a mass produced alternative, used for precision and accuracy in homes and commercial buildings alike.

Alternatively, machine cast lead offers a very similar finish to milled and can be more cost effective.

Simply contact us today for more information on our costs & prices.

Lead Roofing FAQs

For further information on lead roofing, feel free to have a browse through our FAQs. If you have a question or a query that we haven’t covered below, please feel free to get in touch with us and we’ll be happy to help.

Q. What are the different laying methods?

A. The laying methods for lead roofing can include:

  • Hollow roll

  • Wood-cored roll

Q. What underlay should you use?

A. Building paper and chalk slurry/paint is preferred

Q. What is the lifespan of a lead roof?

A. Lead roofing products tend to have a lifespan in excess of 60 years, with many examples of the material lasting over 100 years.

Q. What is lead flashing?

A. These are fitted to maintain watertight roofs, stopping rainwater from running down the chimney and into your building.

Q. What are the benefits of a lead roof?

A. Lead roofs are flexible, recyclable, corrosion-resistant, have considerable longevity and durability, and act as sealants.

Q. What are the different types of lead roofing?


Milled Lead

Used more and more in recent years, milled lead is popular on building sites where thin lead flashing is carried out (codes 3, 4 and 5). Also used increasingly on public buildings and house extensions, with the material coming up to a maximum of code 8.

Sand Cast Lead

This is traditionally cast by hand in the same way as the Romans did so many years ago. As such, it can be found on many ancient buildings such as church work, mansions and a number of English Heritage buildings. A lot of ornamental features and rainwater systems were created using sand cast lead in the past, and this tradition is one that is upheld to this day by companies such as JTC Roofing ourselves.

Machine Cast Lead

Used constantly during the last 30 years, this variety of lead is the cheapest and can be cast very thinly, allowing a small amount to be used widely across one project.